Thursday, March 12, 2009

MonsterBuck at SpreadConsultants on fire!

MonsterBuck is on FIRE!! The hottest capper on the internet, no doubt! He is an incredible 5-0 L5 (100%), 12-2 L14 (86%), 18-5 L23 (78%)!! MonsterBuck is now on a 6-0 NHL run, sweeping the card in that sport yesterday and going 2-0 on his NBA picks. He made his loyal clients almost $7000 in a couple of weeks!! Be sure to jump on this hot streak, because it seems like this capper is unbeatable at the moment. The affordable packages are now available, and its never too late to join this solid capper.


  1. I would be curious to hear what you think of the NBA.
    Who is going to the Finals, who will win it and in how many games.

    Leave me a comment on
    you may be able to get more followers by being a regular on that sire.


    Check out my article. Its about who to pick to play in the finals.
